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Logo Concertgebouw Brugge

Between Two Lights

Muziektheater Transparant & Netherlands Chamber Choir

Belgische première
music theatre
Fri 30 May 2025 -20.00
Take a choice subscription and receive up to -50% discount
introduction by Eva Van Daele 19.15
start 20.00
expected end time 22.00
Voor iedereen vanaf 14 jaar

Standard €29.00

Réduction -35 a. €18.90

Réduction -26 a. €14.50

All prices include booking fees.

Moving choral music illuminates mystical texts

Let's talk about death. Not about saying goodbye forever, but about the moment we exchange this life for something else. Between Two Lights aims to make death tangible, via a ritual in which we carefully expose ourselves to the idea of death. Directed by Concertgebouw Creator Aïda Gabriëls and Tido Visser and set to music by Huang Ruo, this programme brings us closer to reconciliation with our own mortality.


Sensitive content : mention of death


Huang Ruo (1976)
Between Two Lights


Netherlands Chamber Choir: choir
HERMESensemble: ensemble
Huang Ruo: musical direction
Aïda Gabriels & Tido Visser: concept & direction
Lise Bruyneel: visuals

production: Muziektheater Transparant (Antwerp) & Netherlands Chamber Choir
coproduction: Concertgebouw Brugge, O. Festival for Opera. Music.Theatre (Rotterdam), DE SINGEL (Antwerp), HERMESensemble & Perpodium (Antwerp)
with the support of the Tax Shelter scheme of the Belgian Federal Government

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Netherlands Chamber Choir: choir
HERMESensemble: ensemble
Huang Ruo: musical direction
Aïda Gabriels & Tido Vi

Fri 30 May 2025 -20.00
Take a choice subscription and receive up to -50% discount
introduction by Eva Van Daele 19.15
start 20.00
expected end time 22.00
Voor iedereen vanaf 14 jaar

Standard €29.00

Réduction -35 a. €18.90

Réduction -26 a. €14.50

All prices include booking fees.