From the yellow vests to climate truants, what happens when we go against the flow in an act of rebellion? Jan Martens took the title of this performance from a warning uttered by Chinese President Xi Jinping. His supercast of seventeen dancers, aged between 15 and 68, examine the body language of every resistance movement to the turbulent sound of protest songs: an exhausting, emotional choreography for the big stage, as an ode to civil disobedience.
Jan Martens: choreography
Ty Boomershine, Truus Bronkhorst, Jim Buskens, Baptiste Cazaux, Zoë Chungong, Piet Defrancq, Naomi Gibson, Kimmy Ligtvoet, Cherish Menzo, Steven Michel, Gesine Moog, Dan Mussett, Wolf Overmeire, Tim Persent, Courtney May Robertson, Laura Vanborm & Loeka Willems: dance
Pierre Bastin, Georgia Boddez, Wannes Labath & Zora Westbroek: understudies
Anne-Lise Brevers: artistic assistance
Jan Fedinger: lighting design
Cédric Charlier: costume design
Alexandra Sebbag & Thibault Kuhn: costume design assistance
Michel Spang & Valentijn Weyn/Bennert Vancottem: technicians
production: GRIP (Brussel) in collaboration with Dance On Ensemble
international relations: A Propic / Line Rousseau en Marion Gauvent
coproduction: deSingel (Antwerpen), Theater Freiburg, Sadler’s Wells (Londen), Julidans (Amsterdam), Le Gymnase CDCN Roubaix Hauts-de-France, Norrlandsoperan (Umeå), La Bâtie - Festival de Genève & l’ADC - Association pour la Danse Contemporaine Genève, tanzhaus nrw (Düsseldorf), Le Parvis Scène Nationale Tarbes-Pyrénéés, La Danse en grande forme (CNDC – Angers, Malandain Ballet Biarritz, La Manufacture - CDCN Nouvelle-Aquitaine Bordeaux - La Rochelle, CCN de Caen en Normandie, L’échangeur - CDCN Hauts-de-France, CCN de Nantes, CCN d’Orléans, Atelier de Paris / CDCN, Collectif Fair-e / CCN de Rennes et de Bretagne, Le Gymnase | CDCN Roubaix | Hauts-de-France, POLE-SUD CDCN / Strasbourg et La Place de La Danse - CDCN Toulouse Occitanie), Perpodium & Festival d’Avignon
with the support of De Grote Post (Oostende), CCN d’Orléans
in colleboration with Théâtre d’Orléans & Charleroi Danse
with the financial support of de Vlaamse Overheid, de Stad Antwerpen, Tax Shelter maatregel van de Belgische Federale Overheid en Cronos Invest
Jan Martens: choreography
Ty Boomershine, Truus Bronkhorst, Jim Buskens, Baptiste Cazaux, Zoë Chungong, Piet
In collaboration with Cultuurcentrum Brugge