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Logo Concertgebouw Brugge

Collegium Vocale Gent

Bach. St John Passion

  • Philippe Herreweghe
Fri 13 Mar 2020 -08.30
introduction by Ignace Bossuyt 07.45
start 08.30
expected end time 14.15
All prices include booking fees.

Jesus’s last hours in a benchmark of the Baroque

We take the coronavirus very seriously and take strict precautionary measures. We cancel all public events in March. All ticket buyers will be contacted in person. Follow the latest developments on our website.

For the past 50 years whenever we have thought of Bach, we have thought of Philippe Herreweghe and his unsurpassed Collegium Vocale Ghent. In this jubilee year they bring us Bach’s St John Passion. Its text combines poetry with the Biblical Passion story. The music moves between narrative recitatives and choruses, lyrical and contemplative arias and devout chorales.  Even those who don’t share Bach’s Protestant faith will be enraptured by this exquisite music, which reflects on the great themes of life and death.


Johann Sebastian Bach (1685-1750)
St. John's Passion, BWV245


Collegium Vocale Gent: choir & orchestra
Philippe Herreweghe: conductor
Dorothee Mields: soprano
Alex Potter: contratenor
Reinoud Van Mechelen: tenor
Peter Kooij: bass
Julian Prégardien: evangelist, tenor
Krešimir Stražanac: Christ, bass

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Collegium Vocale Gent: choir & orchestra
Philippe Herreweghe: conductor
Dorothee Mields: soprano
Alex Potter:

Fri 13 Mar 2020 -08.30
introduction by Ignace Bossuyt 07.45
start 08.30
expected end time 14.15
All prices include booking fees.