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Logo Concertgebouw Brugge

Domein Gustav Leonhardt

Fri 25 Sep 2009 -18.00
start 18.00
All prices include booking fees.


vr 25.09.2009
18.30-19.00 Johan Huys in conversation with Gustav Leonhardt
19.15 Introduction by Elise Simoens
20.00 Gustav Leonhardt / Harpsichord recital

za 26.09.2009
17.00 Projection of 'Reiziger in muziek' (VPRO, 2001)
19.15 Introduction by Elise Simoens
20.00 Gustav Leonhardt, Ryo Terakado, Barthold & Wieland Kuijken / Telemann

zo 27.09.09
11.00 Gustav Leonhardt / Organ recital (in Kapel O.L.V. Blindekens)

vr 25.09.2009
18.30-19.00 Johan Huys in conversation with Gustav Leonhardt
19.15 Introduction by Elise Simoens

Fri 25 Sep 2009 -18.00
start 18.00
All prices include booking fees.