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Logo Concertgebouw Brugge
Logo Concertgebouw Brugge


Wim Henderickx

this event is part of

Beat it! 3.0

chamber music
Sun 21 Mar 2021
This event is cancelled.

This beats everything: from tick to kick

Who better than percussionist and season’s composer Wim Henderickx to write a work for DROM? Armed with drums, shakers and objets trouvés, and also with their bodies and voices, these amateur percussionists go all out to evoke the colourful and uplifting Dance of the Gods. Appearances also count, so a dash of theatricality and a good pinch of spatial choreography make the whole completely irresistible.


Wim Henderickx (1962)
Dance of the Gods


DROM: percussion
Jo Zanders: musical direction


production: MATRIX [Centrum voor Nieuwe Muziek]

Sun 21 Mar 2021
This event is cancelled.