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Logo Concertgebouw Brugge

Fake It!

Janez Janša

Wed 08 Dec 2010 -20.00
start 20.00

All prices include booking fees.


Janez Janša: creation and direction
Leja Juriši?, Jurij Konjar, Manca Krnel, Teja Reba, Nataša Živkovi? and Uroš Kaurinj: creation and dance
Samo Gosaric: assitant director
Miran Susteršic: lighting design
Borut Cajnko: technician
Nataša Zavolovsek: Executive Producer

production: ZAVOD EXODOS
coproduction: Maska

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Janez Janša: creation and direction
Leja Juriši?, Jurij Konjar, Manca Krnel, Teja Reba, Nataša Živkovi? and Ur

Wed 08 Dec 2010 -20.00
start 20.00

All prices include booking fees.