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Logo Concertgebouw Brugge

Jan Michiels, Justus Grimm & Petteri Salomaa

Sibelius & Mustonen

this event is part of

Topstuk Sibelius

chamber music
Wed 09 Oct 2019 -20.00
introduction by Jan Christiaens 19.15
start 20.00
expected end time 21.55
with break
All prices include booking fees.

Finnish scenic beauty and tradition inspire musical panoramas

As rugged and robust as Sibelius could be in his symphonies, so hushed and romantic could he be in his chamber music. Like a peaceful poet, he tells stirring stories about forests, trees and panoramas, beautiful walks and dreamy thoughts. Nature was an inexhaustible source of inspiration for Sibelius, but so too was the Finnish national folk epic the Kalevala. That is also true for Olli Mustonen, who seeks to transport his audience to another place with his Taivaanvalot (Heavenly Lights).


Jean Sibelius (1865-1957)
Four works for violin & piano, opus 78
Malinconia, opus 20
Five sketches for piano, opus 114
Kyllikki, opus 41

Olli Mustonen (1967)
Taivaanvalot (Belgian premiere, commissioned by Concertgebouw Brugge)

Jean Sibelius (1865-1957)
Four works for violin & piano, opus 78
Malinconia, opus 20
Five sketches for piano,


Petteri Salomaa: baritone
Jan Michiels: piano
Justus Grimm: cello

Wed 09 Oct 2019 -20.00
introduction by Jan Christiaens 19.15
start 20.00
expected end time 21.55
with break
All prices include booking fees.