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Logo Concertgebouw Brugge

La Terre en Transe

Taoufiq Izeddiou

Belgische première

this event is part of

December Dance 2024

Sat 07 Dec 2024 -20.00
introduction by Steven De Belder 19.15
start 20.00
expected end time 21.05
Voor iedereen vanaf 12 jaar

Standard €23.00 - €38.00

Réduction -35 a. €15.00 - €24.70

Réduction -26 a. €11.50 - €19.00

All prices include booking fees.

Nine dancers and three musicians entrance the audience

Moroccan choreographer Taoufiq Izeddiou sees trance as an antidote: a way to counteract and recreate our hysterical and violent world. Using trance to get back to the heart of ourselves, changing ourselves, and in so doing changing the world is the central message of this performance. La Terre en Transe is a piece for nine dancers, accompanied by three traditional Kaada musicians. Stamping their feet and drumming them on inverted basins, the musicians accompany the dancers on their trip, coming into direct contact with the earth through their instrument.




Taoufiq Izeddiou: choreography
Mohamed Lamqayssi, Taoufiq Izeddiouu: sound design
Ivan Mathis: lighting design and technical direction
Ilia Osokin: sound designer
Fatimzahra Nadafi, Taoufiq Izeddiou: masks
Suzie Babin, Juliette Bouissou, Chourouk El Mahati, Moad Haddadi, Taoufiq Izeddiou, Mohamed Lamqayssi, Oumaima Manai, Hassan Oumzili, Angela Vanoni: dance
Taoufik Abanai, Boubker Oumouli, Aziz Lekhraif: music
Aurélie Volpe: production

coproduction December Dance (Concertgebouw Brugge & Cultuurcentrum Brugge)

Taoufiq Izeddiou: choreography
Mohamed Lamqayssi, Taoufiq Izeddiouu: sound design
Ivan Mathis: lighting desig

Sat 07 Dec 2024 -20.00
introduction by Steven De Belder 19.15
start 20.00
expected end time 21.05
Voor iedereen vanaf 12 jaar

Standard €23.00 - €38.00

Réduction -35 a. €15.00 - €24.70

Réduction -26 a. €11.50 - €19.00

All prices include booking fees.