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Logo Concertgebouw Brugge

Love Chapter 3: The Brutal Journey of the Heart

L-E-V / Sharon Eyal

this event is part of

December Dance 2021

Tue 07 Dec 2021 -20.00
introduction by De Zendelingen 19.15
start 20.00
expected end time 21.10
All prices include booking fees.

‘Sharon Eyal shows us the dance theatre of the future’ (ARTE)

In recent years Israeli choreographer Sharon Eyal has conquered the European dance scene with her intense style. In this final part of Eyal’s Love Cycle trilogy, her nine energetic dancers reflect on love and loss. Unusual costumes, explosive techno music, extremely precise performances and a sensual atmosphere give the work an originality and appeal that draw in and win over every audience.


Sharon Eyal: creation
Gai Behar: co-creation
Clyde Emmanuel Archer, Keren Lurie Pardes, Rebecca Hytting, Darren Devaney, Guido Dutlih & Alice Godfrey: dance
Ori Lichtik: music
Maria Grazia Chiuri / Christian Dior Couture: costume design
Alon Cohen: lighting design

Sharon Eyal: creation
Gai Behar: co-creation
Clyde Emmanuel Archer, Keren Lurie Pardes, Rebecca Hytting, Darre

Tue 07 Dec 2021 -20.00
introduction by De Zendelingen 19.15
start 20.00
expected end time 21.10
All prices include booking fees.