this event is part of
start | 20.00 |
expected end time | 21.30 |
Voor iedereen vanaf 16 jaar |
Standard €18.00
Réduction -26 a. €9.00
In this work, this play of language and lips, five performers go in search of Modesta. Who is she? A fantasy, a character whose attraction rests on the possibility that she could be real, tangible. A young girl who grows up learning how to turn pain into pleasure. A woman who twists the rules of language and social convention. A sphinx-like character, mysterious because we cannot grasp the source of her vitality. Modesta appears in many guises, in word and movement, asking us to follow her. Ooms & Jäger work from a preference for non-theatrical, eclectic textual material and a distinctly physical approach to acting. In Modesta (play of language and lips), they engage freely with the coming-of-age genre, together with actors Rosie Sommers, Christine De Smedt and Arthur Loontjens. The title refers to the main character in Goliarda Sapienza's book The Art of Joy, written in the 1960s (but published only three decades later). This literary Modesta inspires by how her uncompromising desire, willpower and joy unexpectedly challenged the morality of her time.
Anna Franziska Jäger & Nathan Ooms : conception et réalisation
Christine De Smedt, Anna Franziska Jäger, Arthur Loontjens, Nathan Ooms & Rosie Sommers : interprétation
Carly Rae Heathcote : conception des costumes et scénographie
Vesara Molla : assistance à la conception des costumes
Bojana Cvejić : dramaturgie
Nora Frizzi Auerbach : stage en dramaturgie
Lander Gyselinck : musique et conception sonore
Piet Depoortere, Jasse Vergauwe & Kato Stevens : technique
production CAMPO (Ghent)
coproduction December Dance (Concertgebouw Brugge & Cultuurcentrum Brugge), Kaaitheater (Brussels), Kunstenwerkplaats (Sint-Gillis), Festival actoral (Marseille), SPRING Festival (Utrecht), Theater Neumarkt (Zürich) & Perpodium (Antwerp)
with the support of the Tax Shelter scheme of the Belgian Federal Government via Cronos Invest
Anna Franziska Jäger & Nathan Ooms : conception et réalisation
Christine De Smedt, Anna Franziska Jäger, Arth
start | 20.00 |
expected end time | 21.30 |
Voor iedereen vanaf 16 jaar |
Standard €18.00
Réduction -26 a. €9.00