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Piece For Person and Ghetto Blaster

Nicola Gunn

Sun 09 Dec 2018 -20.00
start 20.00
expected end time 21.10

All prices include booking fees.

In English

Intervene or look away? Young choreographer gives food for thought

‘Strolling beside a canal in a foreign country, you see a man throwing stones at a brooding duck. You ask him to stop. He tells you to mind your own business. What do you do?' Piece For Person and Ghetto Blaster investigates the ethical side of confrontation and intervention. Via a surreal but everyday situation, Melbourne-based performer Nicola Gunn and choreographer Jo Lloyd conjure up a multi-layered mix of (danced) actions and reactions.


Nicola Gunn: concept, text, direction & performance
Jo Lloyd: choreography
Kelly Ryall: music & sound design
Niklas Pajanti: lighting design
Martyn Coutts: audio-visual design
Jon Haynes: dramaturgy
Gwen Gilchrist: production

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Nicola Gunn: concept, text, direction & performance
Jo Lloyd: choreography
Kelly Ryall: music & sound design

Sun 09 Dec 2018 -20.00
start 20.00
expected end time 21.10

All prices include booking fees.

In English