start | 17.00 |
expected end time | 18.10 |
Part of Weekendpas Bach Academie
Under 26? Enjoy 50% discount!
The saxophone: if Bach had known this instrument, he would surely have composed for it. When arranged for the saxophone, it is not only his chorales and fugues that stand up well, keyboard and chamber music also lend themselves to the experiment. For example, the four young saxophonists of Signum, whose career is really taking off, present a true evergreen, Bach’s Italian Concerto. Taking ‘theme and variations’ as a motto, they are also playing two present-day works: chorale-based sections from Maslanka’s suite Recitation Book, and the minimalist Steve Reich’s ode to the clamorous Manhattan.
Johann Sebastian Bach (1685-1750)
Overture in C, BWV1066 (selection)
Concerto nach Italiänischem Gusto, BWV971
David Maslanka (1943)
Recitation Book (selection)
Steve Reich (1936)
New York Counterpoint
Johann Sebastian Bach (1685-1750)
Overture in C, BWV1066 (selection)
Concerto nach Italiänischem Gusto, BWV971
SIGNUM saxophone quartet: Blaz Kemperle, Erik Nestler, Alan Luzar & Guerino Bellarosa
SIGNUM saxophone quartet
Blaž Kemperle: soprano saxophone
Erik Nestler: alto saxophone
Alan Lužar: tenor saxophone
Guerino Bellarosa: baritone saxophone
SIGNUM saxophone quartet: Blaz Kemperle, Erik Nestler, Alan Luzar & Guerino Bellarosa
SIGNUM saxophone quarte
start | 17.00 |
expected end time | 18.10 |
Part of Weekendpas Bach Academie
Under 26? Enjoy 50% discount!