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Logo Concertgebouw Brugge

Without References

Cindy Van Acker

Belgische première
  • Cindy Van Acker
  • Cindy Van Acker
Thu 03 Dec 2020
This event is cancelled.

Castellucci enters the world of this Flemish choreographer

Our brain always registers our environment with a slight delay. The reality we think we perceive is therefore just a vestige, with the whole created by the connections we make ourselves. In Without References, West Flemish choreographer Cindy Van Acker and her eleven dancers perform one of Van Acker’s first major creations. Light, movement and sound become organs of a single body. An intelligent dance performance about individuality and connection, with a set designed by theatre legend Romeo Castellucci and live music by the Japanese group Goat (jp).


Cindy Van Acker: choreography & concept
Romeo Castellucci: scenography
Goat (jp): live music
Stéphanie Bayle, Matthieu Chayrigues, Louis Clément Da Costa, Aurélien Dougé, Sonia Garcia, Yuta Ishikawa, Laure Lescoffy, Maya Masse, Anna Massoni, Philippe Renard & Daniela Zaghini: dance
Victor Roy & Cindy Van Acker: lighting design
Marie Artamonoff: costume design
Maud Blandel: assistant choreographer
Victor Roy: assistant scenographer
Les Ateliers de la Comédie de Genève: décor
Samuel Pajand: sound

production: Cie Greffe (Olivier Stora: spreiding)
ondersteund door de Fondation d’entreprise Hermès
in het kader van het New Settings Program
coproductie: La Comédie de Genève, Concertgebouw Brugge, ICI — centre chorégraphique national Montpellier - Occitanie / PyrénéesMéditerranée / (direction: Christian Rizzo)
with the support of Theater Freiburg
La Compagnie Greffe receives support for the period 2009-2020 from the city of Geneva, the canton of Geneva and Pro Helvetia

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Cindy Van Acker: choreography & concept
Romeo Castellucci: scenography
Goat (jp): live music
Stéphanie Bayle,

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Thu 03 Dec 2020
This event is cancelled.


In collaboration with Cultuurcentrum Brugge