this event is part of
start | 20.00 |
expected end time | 21.00 |
voor iedereen vanaf 16 jaar |
Standard €20.00 - €22.00
Réduction -26 a. €10.00 - €11.00
Brazilian choreographer Alice Ripoll regularly collaborates with Cia Suave, a group of young dancers from the favelas of Rio de Janeiro. In Zona Franca, she creates a 'free zone' for this up-and-coming generation of youngsters, who are cautiously but eagerly looking towards the future, in the wake of Bolsonaro's right-wing regime. How can a community develop and forge bonds when its social context is damaged? In this mix of popular urban dances, theatre and song, the call for freedom rings out deafeningly loud.
Alice Ripoll: choreography
Gabriel Tiobil, Dançarino Brabo, Hiltinho Fantástico, Katiany Correia, Maylla Eassy, Petersonsidy, Romulo Galvão, Tamires Costa, Thamires Candida & Dançarino Brabo: dans
Alan Ferreira & Thais Peixoto: regie-assistentie
Tomás Ribas & Diana Joels: lichtontwerp
Tainã Miranda: lichttechniek
Raphael Elias: kostuums & decor
Gabriel Alves: kostuumassistentie & naaiwerk
Alice Ripoll & Alan Ferreira: muziek
Renato Linharen / Alan Ferreira: geluidstechniek & repetitor
Caick Carvalho: illustration & design
Renato Mangolin: fotografie
Marrom Glacê: pers
Bem Medeiros: productie & tour management
Isabela Peixoto: productie-assistentie
ART HAPPENS: spreiding
co-production: Festival de Marseille, Festival d'Automne à Paris, Charleroi Danse, RomaEuropa, Tandem Scène nationale, tanzhaus nrw, Teatro Municipal do Porto, Julidans & Les Mécènes DanseAujourdhui
Alice Ripoll: choreography
Gabriel Tiobil, Dançarino Brabo, Hiltinho Fantástico, Katiany Correia, Maylla Eassy
start | 20.00 |
expected end time | 21.00 |
voor iedereen vanaf 16 jaar |
Standard €20.00 - €22.00
Réduction -26 a. €10.00 - €11.00