début | 10.30 |
Soundscape Studio 3
Documentaires Foyer parterre
Prepareer zelf een piano Inkomhal
10.30 Music for Carillon
- Imaginary Landscape nr. 3 (1942)
- Music for Carillon nr. 4 (1961)
11.00 Radio Music (1956)
11.15 Concert 1
- Sonatas & Interludes
12.30 Lunch
- Indeterminacy Cooking
14.15 Radio Music (1956)
14.30 Concert 2
John Cage
- Variations III (for any kind of instruments) (1963)
- Etudes Borealis (uittreksel) (1978)
Earle Brown
- Music for Cello and Piano (1955)
15.00 Cagewandeling
John Cage
- 261.1499 for a String Player (uittreksel) (1955)
- Dream (1948)
- Concert for Piano and Orchestra (uittreksel) (1958)
- Lecture on nothing (1950)
- Williams Mix (1952)
16.00 Music for Carillon
16.15 Inleiding
17.00 Slotconcert
Earle Brown
- Four systems (1954)
John Cage
- Music of Changes, book 1 (1951)
- Child of Tree (1975)
- Ryoanji (1985), adaptatie voor cello en percussie van de versie
voor contrabas
Earle Brown
- Four systems (1954)
John Cage
- 433 (1952)
- Four6 (1989)
Soundscape Studio 3
Documentaires Foyer parterre
Prepareer zelf een piano Inkomhal
10.30 M
violoncelle: Arne Deforce
piano: Daan Vandewalle
guitare électrique: Jean-Marc Montera
percussion: Chris Cutler
carillon: Aimé Lombaert
lecture et introduction: Maarten Beirens
violoncelle: Arne Deforce
piano: Daan Vandewalle
guitare électrique: Jean-Marc Montera
percussion: Chris Cutle
début | 10.30 |