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Logo Concertgebouw Brugge

Maker Tristan Driessens


Tristan Driessens (1982), for the next two seasons, lutenist-composer Tristan Driessens (1982) – who has built up an international reputation in the field of early and more recent Ottoman music – will be exploring new paths in the Concertgebouw. As he does so, he will venture far beyond the historical performance practice with which he has earned his spurs; both together with and independently of his Lamekan Ensemble. Throughout his Makers trajectory, his artistic philosophy – 'to cultivate an open mind, rooted in tradition, in which encounters are central' – will therefore be very much in evidence, including in encounters with, among others, Nathan Daems, Christos Barbas, Levent Yıldırım, Annemie Osborne and Cypriot violinist Michalis Kouloumis. In short, expect an infusion of modal, oriental music into contemporary, microtonal jazz, classical music and folk. 

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