this event is part of
start | 17.00 |
expected end time | 18.00 |
Standard €14.00 - €20.00
Reduction -26 €7.00 - €10.00
Two adults and five children raise their middle finger to the devil in this unbridled physical performance with live music. They sway, bounce and tilt, seeking the extremes and showing unstoppable guts and ardour. Promise me is about letting go of control and taking risks. About scars and the stories they leave on our skin.
Joke Laureyns & Kwint Manshoven: choreography
Thomas Devos: live music
Kwint Manshoven & Dirk De Hooghe: stage design
Mieke Versyp: dramaturgy
cabinet k: dance
Dirk De Hooghe: lighting design
Dirk De Hooghe & Lorin Duquesne: technique
production: kabinet k & hetpaleis
Joke Laureyns & Kwint Manshoven: choreography
Thomas Devos: live music
Kwint Manshoven & Dirk De Hooghe: stage
start | 17.00 |
expected end time | 18.00 |
Standard €14.00 - €20.00
Reduction -26 €7.00 - €10.00