this event is part of
start | 14.00 |
expected end time | 17.00 |
Participating is free, but reservations are required and can be made via Lieven.Devisch@brugge.be or Sara.Colpaert@brugge.be
Leon lets dance(ers) excel in humanity and vulnerability. With Atelier Leon, it swings open its doors to everyone. Participants of all generations and backgrounds are stimulated to express themselves in a personal yet universal language: that of dance and movement. Through these physical 'conversations', new relationships, dynamics and even group rituals emerge. Dance as the medium par excellence to connect people with each other and their environment!
Seppe Baeyens and Leon vzw : concept
for 30 participants of different ages & backgrounds
start | 14.00 |
expected end time | 17.00 |
Participating is free, but reservations are required and can be made via Lieven.Devisch@brugge.be or Sara.Colpaert@brugge.be