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Dead Ladies Show Marathon

Dead Ladies Show Marathon

Gaea Schoeters en eminente gasten

Ode to women who shift the boundaries

During the Dead Ladies Show, author Gaea Schoeters invites guests to talk about strong women who made their mark on history. Between talks, pianist Lies Colman accompanies a series of great singers. Each show features three ladies, plus the music of others. Since its inception, the format has already proven to be a hit in more than ten shows. We are now bringing those shows together here in one marathon. This weekend is thus a perfect opportunity to get acquainted, fill in the gaps, or re-enjoy a favourite. An accompanying supplementary programme heightens the atmosphere. A festive weekend!

3 reasons to buy a marathon pass

  1. Your tickets are up to 50% cheaper.
  2. You don't have to miss a second of the festival!
  3. You'll have ordered your pass in no time.


€ 75

Tip: Are you under 26? A day pass costs just €7.

These shows are included in a marathon pass for 10 & zo 11 november

  • sat 10.11.2024 / 10.00 / Dead Ladies Show 1 / Chokri Ben Chikha, Bieke Purnelle & Annelies Verbeke
  • sat  10.11.2024 / 13.00 / Dead Ladies Show 4 / Bent Van Looy, Yousra Benfquih & Marieke De Maré
  • sat 10.11.2024 / 15.15 / Dead Ladies Show 3 / queer editie: Joke Devynck, Fleur Pierets & Louky Van Eijkelenburg
  • sat 10.11.2024 / 19.30 / Dead Ladies Show 2 / Joke van Leeuwen, Lara Taveirne & Rashif El Kaoui
  • sat 10.11.2024 / 21.45 / Dead Ladies Show 7 / Alicja Gescinska, Gerda Dendooven & Nico Boon
  • sun 11.11.2024 / 10.15 / Dead Ladies Show 5 / Jeroen Olyslaegers, Catherine Vuylsteke & Charlotte Van den Broeck
  • sun 11.11.2024 / 13.15 / Dead Ladies Show 9 / Filip Rogiers, Simone Milsdochter & Lotte Dodion
  • sun 11.11.2024 / 15.30 / Dead Ladies Show 8 / Nicky Aerts, Winny Ang & Hans Depelchin
  • sun 11.11.2024 / 17.45 / Dead Ladies Show 6 / Annelies Beck, Sachli Gholamalizad & Maud Vanhauwaert
  • sun 11.11.2024 / 20.45 / Dead Ladies Show 10 / Matthijs De Ridder, Astrid Haerens & Mira Bryssinck