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Logo Concertgebouw Brugge
Logo Concertgebouw Brugge

Maker Michiel Vandevelde

(c) Björn Comhaire


Michiel Vandevelde (1990) studied dance and choreography at P.A.R.T.S. Besides being a choreographer, he is also a curator, writer and editor. His Concertgebouw Maker's trajectory is giving him a chance to share the versatility of his artistic practice with a wider audience. During December Dance 2023, for instance, his idiosyncratic version of Le sacre du printemps was much appreciated; he also inspired young makers with a workshop as part of Bits of Dance 2024. In the 24-25 season Michiel Vandevelde is creating for the large audience for the first time. The Rise is a contemporary opera in which – together with composer Eva Reiter and Ictus – he searches for a new form of community. He is also developing a new, danced rite of passage, to be performed by Bruges residents, and a new performance with youngsters, based on acrobatics and heavy metal.

In collaboration with KAAP & powered by Dans in Brugge

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