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Logo Concertgebouw Brugge


A Dust in Time

this event is part of

SLOW(36h) 2022

chamber music
Sun 06 Feb 2022 -19.00
start 19.00
expected end time 20.20
All prices include booking fees.

Musical mandala as a message of hope

Inspired by the colourful Tibetan sand mandalas and overwhelmed by the pandemic, American-Chinese Huang Ruo composed a musical meditation as a message of healing and hope. Out of nowhere snippets of music appear that gradually become a warm blanket before finally dissolving again, just like the mandala of the monks.


Huang Ruo (1976)
A Dust in Time (2020)


Joseph Puglia & Marijke van Kooten: violon
Liesbeth Steffens: alto
Sebastiaan van Halsema: violoncelle

Moines tibétains: mandala

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Joseph Puglia & Marijke van Kooten: violon
Liesbeth Steffens: alto
Sebastiaan van Halsema: viol

Sun 06 Feb 2022 -19.00
start 19.00
expected end time 20.20
All prices include booking fees.