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Joye. Rosa bella

this event is part of

GOLD 2020

Sun 24 May 2020 -14.00
Engels Klooster
start 14.00
expected end time 15.15

All prices include booking fees.

Glimpse of a forbidden love

Did you buy a ticket for this concert?  The corona virus hits the arts industry hard and for many arts organisations, this economic damage comes on top of the recent cuts in Flemish cultural subsidies. This is why we call on our audience not to ask for a refund of cancelled tickets, in solidarity with the artists. The financial resources thus retained will be fully invested by the Concertgebouw in the artists most affected by job losses. You can also get your ticket value back in the form of a voucher. You will receive this voucher via e-mail in the upcoming weeks. The voucher can be used for a performance of your choice via concertgebouw.be and is valid for one year. You can thus easily use this voucher for the purchase of tickets for this season or the following.
Confirm your choice by May 20 2020 in the digital form via this link.

With a (self-chosen?) name like Gilles Joye, it can’t be otherwise: this composer-singer enjoyed life. But he was also a priest, and the Chapter of Bruges’s Sint-Donaaskerk were none too happy about his relationship with a certain Rosabella. Is the beautiful Missa Rosa bella in the Lucca Choirbook by Gilles Joye? And is it perhaps a musical confession? Whatever the case, Thomas Baeté and his ClubMediéval champion this almost forgotten Kortrijk-born composer and John Bedyngham’s O rosa bella, the song he used as his basis.


Movements from the anonymous Missa Rosa bella and chansons by Gilles Joye & John Bedyngham


Thomas Baeté: vielle & musical direction
Olalla Alemán, Andrea Gavagnin, Jonatan Alvarado, Raffaele Giordani: song
Elisabeth Seitz: psaltery
Dimos de Beun: clavicymbalum, gothic organ & recorders
Floris De Rycker: lute
Geesje Liedmeier: vielle

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Thomas Baeté: vielle & musical direction
Olalla Alemán, Andrea Gavagnin, Jonatan Alvarado, Raffaele Giordani:

Sun 24 May 2020 -14.00
Engels Klooster
start 14.00
expected end time 15.15

All prices include booking fees.