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Logo Concertgebouw Brugge

Collegium Vocale Gent & Philippe Herreweghe

Cantates for New Year and epiphany

Fri 21 Jan 2011 -20.00
start 20.00
All prices include booking fees.


Johann Sebastian Bach (1685-1750)
- Sie werden aus Saba alle kommen, cantata BWV 65
- Liebster Immanuel, Herzog der Frommen, cantata BWV 123
- Singet dem Herrn ein neues Lied, motet BWV 225
- Jesu, nun sei gepreiset, cantata BWV 41

Johann Sebastian Bach (1685-1750)
- Sie werden aus Saba alle kommen, cantata BWV 65
- Liebster Immanuel, Herzo


Collegium Vocale Gent: choir and orchestra
Philippe Herreweghe: conductor
Dorothee Mields: soprano
Damien Guillon: altus
Thomas Hobbs: tenor
Peter Kooij: bass

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Collegium Vocale Gent: choir and orchestra
Philippe Herreweghe: conductor
Dorothee Mields: soprano
Damien Gui

Fri 21 Jan 2011 -20.00
start 20.00
All prices include booking fees.