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Take into account the heavy (parking) congestion in Bruges.
Logo Concertgebouw Brugge
Logo Concertgebouw Brugge


Concert Mass

  • Concertmis

this event is part of

GOLD 2020

Sun 24 May 2020 -11.00
start 11.00
expected end time 12.45
All prices include booking fees.

Back to the roots of polyphony

Continuing a good tradition, Currende provide the music during Mass on the Sunday after Ascension Day. This enhances the liturgy and allows the listener to experience the music in a different way. Happy to comply with the festival theme, Erik Van Nevel presents a programme with some Bruges highlights.


Currende: vocal ensemble
Erik Van Nevel: direction

Sun 24 May 2020 -11.00
start 11.00
expected end time 12.45
All prices include booking fees.