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Logo Concertgebouw Brugge

Deep Listening Day II

Deep Listening Day II

With, among others, Arne Deforce, YouYou Group & Marco Blaauw

How often do we long for the open-minded, creative playfulness of our childhood? Long to have profound new experiences in a world in which everything is still fresh and exciting, with no distinction between sounds and music? Everything is music! Over the years we learn to interpret, compare and explain ... to put things into boxes. But the concerts of this Deep Listening Day refuse to be compartmentalised, they are not classifiable. The musicians and performers boldly proceed through the infinite spectrum between silence and murmur, between noise, sound and music. They lead us through a universe where everything is just as exciting as it was back then.



 Your tickets are up to 30% cheaper with the Deep Listening Day II Dagpas.