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Logo Concertgebouw Brugge

Iedereen Klassiek

A feast of classical music

Sat 28 Oct 2023 -10.00
Concertgebouw & Brugse binnenstad
start 10.00
All prices include booking fees.

Come and sample the extra festive tenth edition for free

Anyone who has attended will confirm it: this is a veritable feast of classical music. Iedereen Klassiek bathes everyone and everything in a joyful classical-music bath. Together with initiator Klara and many Bruges-based partners, the Concertgebouw is putting together a lavish celebration, with offshoots all over the inner city. We warm up with BachPlus and close as usual with the wonderful Brussels Philharmonic performing some well-known classics. Invite your family and friends to this free event, so that they too can discover the power and beauty of classical music.

See the full programme at concertgebouw.be from October 2023.

Blessed are those who sing together! Iedereen Klassiek starts the day with some highlights from Handel's Messiah. Warm up your vocal chords in the Concert Hall, together with a few soloists, seasoned (choral) singers and other cautiously humming or listening enthusiasts. Hallelujah!


Brussels Philharmonic
Vlaams Radiokoor
Eliane Rodrigues
Ignace Michiels
Mathilde & Astrid Wauters
Warre, Jappe & Balder Dendievel

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Brussels Philharmonic
Vlaams Radiokoor
Eliane Rodrigues
Ignace Michiels
Mathilde & Astrid Wauters

Sat 28 Oct 2023 -10.00
Concertgebouw & Brugse binnenstad
start 10.00
All prices include booking fees.


In collaboration with Klara, Brugge Plus, Conservatorium Brugge, de Stad Brugge, Cultuurcentrum Brugge & KAAP

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