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Logo Concertgebouw Brugge
Logo Concertgebouw Brugge

Lore Dejonckheere, Lien Degraeve, Lien Verlinde & Eva (Mpatshi) Vanrysselberghe


Sun 11 Sep 2022 -11.00
start 11.00
expected end time 12.15

Standard €6.00

Reduction -26 €3.50

All prices include booking fees.

Intimate portraits from a closed world

Actresses Lore Dejonckheere and Lien De Graeve went to Bruges prison and recorded six intimate audio portraits of inmates. The focus of these conversations was the inmates’ perception of time and their memories. Eva Mpatshi – an all-round artist, who specialises in tattooing as an art form – interweaves her art with the inmate interviews. The result of the project (photo and audio) can be seen and heard in our Expobox.

On Sunday, 11 September, at 11.00, Lore Dejonckheere, Lien De Graeve, Eva (Mpatshi) Vanrysselberghe and Lien Verlinde (De Rode Antraciet) talk about this project in the Chamber Music Hall (tickets € 6)


Lore Dejonckheere, Lien De Graeve, Lien Verlinde & Eva (Mpatshi) Vanrysselberghe: speakers
Mieke Dumont: moderator

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Lore Dejonckheere, Lien De Graeve, Lien Verlinde & Eva (Mpatshi) Vanrysselberghe: speakers
Mieke Dumont: moder

Sun 11 Sep 2022 -11.00
start 11.00
expected end time 12.15

Standard €6.00

Reduction -26 €3.50

All prices include booking fees.