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Logo Concertgebouw Brugge
Logo Concertgebouw Brugge

Musicians of the Budapest Festival Orchestra

Concert for children with autism spectrum disorder

Sun 21 May 2023 -11.00
start 11.00
expected end time 12.15

Fischer takes you and your family into the world of music

Star conductor Iván Fischer and his musicians want everyone to enjoy classical music: children, adolescents, parents and the elderly. That is why they not only perform in renowned concert halls, but also in less obvious places such as care institutions, synagogues and schools. That is also why they have developed a concert series especially tailored to meet the needs of children with autism spectrum disorder. With a selection of exciting works, the musicians show the audience what exceptional things instruments can do and how much fun it is to make music together.


Musicians of the Budapest Festival Orchestra: ensemble
Iván Fischer: moderator

Sun 21 May 2023 -11.00
start 11.00
expected end time 12.15