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Logo Concertgebouw Brugge

Näss (People)

Fouad Boussouf / Massala Dance Company

this event is part of

December Dance 2019

Thu 12 Dec 2019 -20.00
introduction by Pieter T'Jonck 19.15
start 20.00
expected end time 21.15
All prices include booking fees.

Where the sacred meets the profane, sandwiched between modernity and ancestral ritual, a continuous pulse resounds. This rhythm takes possession of everyone who stays there. In Näss (People), seven dancers fuse into a single body. Traditional Moroccan dances, such as the Taskiwine and the Reggada, merge with urban dance. Fouad Boussouf thus reveals the roots of a new form of hip-hop, roots that are firmly anchored in North African tradition.


Fouad Boussouf: choreography
Bruno Domingues Torres: choreography assistance
Maëlo Hernandez, Sami Blond, Mathieu Bord, Yanice Djae, Loïc Elice, Justin Gouin, Nicolas Grosclaude: performance
Fabrice Sarcy: lighting design
Camille Vallat: costume design & scenography
Roman Bestion: music
Charlotte Audureau: photography
Floriane Pinard: video
Benoît Cherouvrier: technical director

Fouad Boussouf: choreography
Bruno Domingues Torres: choreography assistance
Maëlo Hernandez, Sami Blond, Math

Thu 12 Dec 2019 -20.00
introduction by Pieter T'Jonck 19.15
start 20.00
expected end time 21.15
All prices include booking fees.