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Logo Concertgebouw Brugge
Logo Concertgebouw Brugge

Tom De Cock, Ruben Martinez Orio & Julia Emmery

Objets perdus de monsieur Trouvé

this event is part of

SLOW(36h) 2022

chamber music
Sat 05 Feb 2022 -19.30
start 19.30
expected end time 20.05
All prices include booking fees.

Building and playing an interactive percussion installation

Musicians build a new instrument from scraps of wood, broken kitchen utensils and other objets trouvés. Hear the possibilities of this Franken-instrument yourself in the open score by Julia Emmery. Professional musicians then give it a try. Hang on to your broken wooden spoon. It might play a starring role.


Julia Emmery (1989)
Creation (commissioned by Concertgebouw Brugge)


Tom De Cock, Ruben Martinez Orio & Julia Emmery: musicians

Sat 05 Feb 2022 -19.30
start 19.30
expected end time 20.05
All prices include booking fees.