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Logo Concertgebouw Brugge

Toope Ajoyo

Let’s celebrate together to musical traditions of West Africa

Sun 23 Jun 2024 -13.40
Brugse binnenstad & 't Zand
start 13.40
expected end time 16.00
All prices include booking fees.

Toope Ajoyo is an original fusion of West Flemish and West African 'Yorùbá' and means as much as 'celebrating together', across all borders and differences between cultures.  And celebrate we will: from various corners of Bruges city centre, anyone who wants to can follow the music, brought by three neo-fanfares from Brussels and Charleroi, a drum band from Leuven and a brass band from Jabbeke. In terms of repertoire, these musicians draw inspiration from the artistic universe of music makers Esinam Dogbatse and Ejaspapa Gnonlonfoun. The different musical tracks will converge on 't Zand around 15h15, where the party can really get going. Walk, dance and celebrate with us!

The party continues at the Concertgebouw. At 17h00, ESINAM presents her brand new creation around birth and transformation. Inspired by her West African roots, she sets to work with poetry, dance and music, performed by an all-female line-up.

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Compositions inspired by the artistic universe of Esinam Dogbatse and Ejaspapa, with refreshingly Afropean sounds and typically West African polyrhythms. The arrangements for winds are by Adrien Lambinet.

Compositions inspired by the artistic universe of Esinam Dogbatse and Ejaspapa, with refreshingly Afropean sou

Sun 23 Jun 2024 -13.40
Brugse binnenstad & 't Zand
start 13.40
expected end time 16.00
All prices include booking fees.