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Logo Concertgebouw Brugge
Logo Concertgebouw Brugge


Zonzo Compagnie & Revue Blanche

music theatre
Sun 02 Feb 2025 -15.00
Take a choice subscription and receive up to -50% discount
start 15.00
expected end time 16.05
Voor kinderen vanaf 6 jaar en hun begeleider(s)

Standard €12.00

Réduction -35 a. €7.80

Réduction -26 a. €6.00

All prices include booking fees.

Step with your family into Maurice Ravel's musical constructions

Maurice Ravel was a master at evoking musical worlds, founded on folk melodies, fairy tales and ingenious musical experiments. In UnRAVELed we travel through the musical cogs inside Ravel’s head – his nickname was ‘the Swiss watchmaker' – and see them brought to life on stage through visual magic. The sound of mechanisms, loop stations and the music of the master himself unRavel the genius of Ravel and the child that lay within him.


With compositions by Maurice Ravel (1875-1937)


Revue Blanche:
Lore Binon: song
Caroline Peeters: flute
Anouk Sturtewagen: harp
Kris Hellemans: viola

Benjamin Vandewalle: direction
WIThWIT (Erki De Vries & Freija Van Esbroeck): scenography
Frederik Neyrinck: arrangements
Nina Lopez Le Galliard: costumes

coproduction Concertgebouw Brugge, Perpodium, Neimënster, Opéra de Lille & Philharmonie de Paris
with the support of the Tax Shelter scheme of the Belgian Federal Government via uFund

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Revue Blanche:
Lore Binon: song
Caroline Peeters: flute
Anouk Sturtewagen: harp
Kris Hellemans: viola


Sun 02 Feb 2025 -15.00
Take a choice subscription and receive up to -50% discount
start 15.00
expected end time 16.05
Voor kinderen vanaf 6 jaar en hun begeleider(s)

Standard €12.00

Réduction -35 a. €7.80

Réduction -26 a. €6.00

All prices include booking fees.