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Anton Bruckner

Listening course - part 3

Wed 09 Oct 2024 -14.00
start 14.00
expected end time 16.00

All prices include booking fees.

Info & registration

€ 95 (with Davidsfonds-card) / € 110 incl. concert of Anima Eterna Brugge on 28 sep

A closer look at a hardworking doubter

Brahms vs Wagner: as a 19th-century composer, you basically had to choose between those two different approaches to music. Anton Bruckner was unable to do that. He was a doubter and was terrified of any form of criticism. That made him rework his compositions again and again. Yves Knockaert gives us an insight into Bruckner's life and work.


Yves Knockaert: lecturer

Wed 09 Oct 2024 -14.00
start 14.00
expected end time 16.00

All prices include booking fees.

Info & registration

€ 95 (with Davidsfonds-card) / € 110 incl. concert of Anima Eterna Brugge on 28 sep