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Logo Concertgebouw Brugge


Zonzo Compagnie

family performance
Fri 20 Jan 2017 -10.30
start 10.30
expected end time 11.45

All prices include booking fees.

Under 26? Enjoy 50% discount!


Lucia Giraudo & Cynthia Freivogel: violin
Wouter Van Looy: direction & concept
Frederik Jassogne: video

coproduction: Concertgebouw Brugge, Zonzo Compagnie, BIG BANG festival & Oorkaan

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Lucia Giraudo & Cynthia Freivogel: violin
Wouter Van Looy: direction & concept
Frederik Jassogne: video


Fri 20 Jan 2017 -10.30
start 10.30
expected end time 11.45

All prices include booking fees.

Under 26? Enjoy 50% discount!