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Logo Concertgebouw Brugge


Zonzo Compagnie

family performance
Sat 21 Jan 2017 -15.00
start 15.00
expected end time 16.15
All prices include booking fees.

Under 26? Enjoy 50% discount!

Bach hits for young ears

Zonzo Compagnie are conquering the world with intriguing performances, based on the work of fascinating musicians and composers. The music of John Cage, Miles Davis and Luciano Berio has previously been given their unique treatment. This time it’s the turn of Johann Sebastian Bach. Bach is a monument, a wizard of sound and melody, a genius who weaves together dizzying fugues, preludes, corals and partitas and who is still topping the charts 250 years after his death. In B-ACH the Zonzo Compagnie present two violinists who guide us through the world of Bach. Together they weave Bach's melodies into matchless harmonies. In this multimedia performance, the audience is swept up and immersed in what many believe is the most beautiful music ever written.


With music by Johann Sebastian Bach & Piet-Jan van Rossum


Lucia Giraudo & Cynthia Freivogel: violin
Wouter Van Looy: direction & concept
Frederik Jassogne: video

coproduction: Concertgebouw Brugge, Zonzo Compagnie, BIG BANG festival & Oorkaan

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Lucia Giraudo & Cynthia Freivogel: violin
Wouter Van Looy: direction & concept
Frederik Jassogne: video


Sat 21 Jan 2017 -15.00
start 15.00
expected end time 16.15
All prices include booking fees.

Under 26? Enjoy 50% discount!