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Logo Concertgebouw Brugge

BL!NDMAN [drums]

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Sat 27 Nov 2021 -15.00
start 15.00
expected end time 16.15
All prices include booking fees.

Virtuoso percussion music to take your breath away

The conductor turns to the audience, feels his heartbeat and lets that form the basis of Silence Must Be. In this work Thierry De Mey allows the listener to invent imaginary music according to a set choreography. In Schnittke's Lebenslauf it is not the heartbeat but four metronomes that set the tone. In his Poème Symphonique, Ligeti ups the stakes with 100 metronomes that evolve from unity to complete chaos before eventually dying out one by one. And then finally, we finish with more asymmetrical rhythmic patterns and wild energy in Xenakis's Rebonds B.


György Ligeti (1923-2006)
Poème Symphonique (1962)

Iannis Xenakis (1922-2001)
Rebonds B (1987-89)

Toru Takemitsu (1930-1996)
Seasons (1970)

Thiery De Mey (1956)
Silence Must Be (2002)

Steve Reich (1936)
Piano Phase (1967)

György Ligeti (1923-2006)
Poème Symphonique (1962)

Iannis Xenakis (1922-2001)
Rebonds B (1987-89)

Toru T


BL!NDMAN [drums]: ensemble

Sat 27 Nov 2021 -15.00
start 15.00
expected end time 16.15
All prices include booking fees.