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Logo Concertgebouw Brugge

Catalina Vicens

Parthenope / Parthenia. Music for the virginals

Tue 07 Aug 2018 -11.30
start 11.30
expected end time 12.45
All prices include booking fees.
Tickets & info

Tickets www.mafestival.be 

Parthenope is the name of the siren with the virgin voice, who washed ashore in Naples according to legend. Under Parthenope’s guidance, Catalina Vicens explores the age old association between femininity and musicality in early works for harpsichord and virginal. Kindled by phantasy and empathy she travels from 16th century Italy to 17th century England and back.

A production of MAfestival, presented in collaboration with Concertgebouw Brugge


Antonio Valente

Marchetto Cara
Per dolor mi bagno il viso

Jacobo Fogliano
Ricerchare de Jacobo fogliano

Marchetto Cara
Cantai mentre nel core

M. Antonio Cavazzoni
Recercada di mã ca in bologna
Madame vous aves mon cuor

Joan Abrozio Dalza
Calata alla Spagnola

Bartolomeo Tromboncino
Poi che volse la mia stella

Antonio Cabezón
Obra sobre cantus firmus

William Byrd
Pavana Sr. Wm. Petre
Galiardo Mistress Mary Brownlow

Dr. John Bull

Ages Youth

Orlando Gibbons
Fantazia of foure parts
The Lord of Salisbury his Pavin
The Queens Command

Antonio Valente
Sortemplus disminuita
Gagliarda Napolitana

Antonio Valente

Marchetto Cara
Per dolor mi bagno il viso

Jacobo Fogliano
Ricerchare de Jaco


Catalina Vicens: klavecimbel

Tue 07 Aug 2018 -11.30
start 11.30
expected end time 12.45
All prices include booking fees.
Tickets & info

Tickets www.mafestival.be