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Logo Concertgebouw Brugge
Logo Concertgebouw Brugge

Champ d‘Action / Tomma Wessel / Integrating the recorder

Fri 20 Apr 2007 -20.00
start 20.00
All prices include booking fees.


Stefan Prins (1979), Memory Space II
Michael Finnissy (1946), Creatie
Matthew Shlomowitz (1975), Free Square Jazz
Stefan Van Eycken (1975), Clear (creatie)
David Nunezanez (1970), Bringing back from the Edge

Stefan Prins (1979), Memory Space II
Michael Finnissy (1946), Creatie
Matthew Shlomowitz (1975), Free Square J


Tomma Wessel, blokfluiten
Tom Pauwels, gitaar
Lode Leire, contrabas
Fedor Teunisse, percussie
Yutaka Oya, piano

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Tomma Wessel, blokfluiten
Tom Pauwels, gitaar
Lode Leire, contrabas
Fedor Teunisse, percussie
Yutaka Oya, pian

Fri 20 Apr 2007 -20.00
start 20.00
All prices include booking fees.