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Logo Concertgebouw Brugge

Daan Vandewalle

Frederic Rzewski

Fri 28 Apr 2017 -20.00
introduction by Mark Delaere 19.15
start 20.00
expected end time 21.30
All prices include booking fees.

Under 26? Enjoy 50% discount!

Brand-new work, based on freedom songs from around the world

Composer/pianist Frederic Rzewski is a New Yorker with Polish roots, who has meanwhile lived for quite a while in Belgium. At the request of, among others, the Concertgebouw, he writes brand-new piano works, based on freedom songs from around the world. The Russian war song Katyusha, the African-American freedom song Ain't Gonna Let Nobody Turn Me 'Round and other socially-engaged songs served as inspiration for his work. Rzewski gained fame with his masterly piano variations The People United Will Never Be Defeated!, based on a Chilean protest song. In both his social commitment and his often improvisation-inspired music, freedom is a key word. In his compositions, he draws on numerous influences, including avant-garde music, the classical repertoire, minimalism and jazz. The result is highly sophisticated, endearingly honest, unique music, in which dizzying virtuosity is paired with great asceticism.


Frederic Rzewski (1938)
Creation (world premiere, commissioned by Concertgebouw Brugge)


Daan Vandewalle: piano

Fri 28 Apr 2017 -20.00
introduction by Mark Delaere 19.15
start 20.00
expected end time 21.30
All prices include booking fees.

Under 26? Enjoy 50% discount!