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Logo Concertgebouw Brugge

Ensemble Solstice / Mozart en Hummel - 'vader en zoon'

Wed 26 Jul 2006 -11.30
start 11.30
All prices include booking fees.


1. Mozart / Hummel
Symfonie nr 39 in Es, KV 543
2. Johann Nepomuk Hummel
Septet in d, opus 74


Ensemble Solstice
Luc Devos, pianoforte
Isabelle Lamfalussy, traverso
Taka Kitazato, hobo
Christophe Feron, hoorn
Stéphanie de Failly, viool
Frans Vos, altviool
Bernard Woltèche, cello
Eric Mathot, contrabas

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Ensemble Solstice
Luc Devos, pianoforte
Isabelle Lamfalussy, traverso
Taka Kitazato, hobo
Christophe Feron

Wed 26 Jul 2006 -11.30
start 11.30
All prices include booking fees.