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Logo Concertgebouw Brugge

Iedereen Klassiek

A feast of classical music

  • Iedereen Klassiek
chamber music
family performance
Sat 31 Oct 2020 -09.30
start 09.30
All prices include booking fees.

Come and sample Bach, Beethoven and Bruges for free

Anyone who has attended in recent years will confirm it: this is a veritable feast of classical music. Iedereen Klassiek bathes everyone and everything in a joyful classical-music bath. Together with initiator Klara and many Bruges-based partners, the Concertgebouw is putting together a lavish celebration, with offshoots all over the inner city. We warm up with Crazy about Beethoven and close as usual with the wonderful Brussels Philharmonic performing some well-known classics. Invite your family and friends to this free event, so that they too can discover the power and beauty of Bach, Beethoven and Bruges.


In 2020, Bach will be taking a back seat. We are celebrating Beethoven’s 250th birthday, and so this year we are more Crazy about Beethoven than ever. Among other things, we will be singing along lustily to his canons. With Bryggen, we go in search of fairy tales from the North. And regular guests the Brussels Philharmonic treats us to a nightly musical trip.


With Bryggen, the Brussels Philharmonic, Let’s Klez, Tana Quartet, Crossbones | Trombone Collective, the Flemish Radio Choir, Opera Caramba, Psallentes, Belgian Brass Soloists, Ignace Michiels, Wim Berteloot …

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With Bryggen, the Brussels Philharmonic, Let’s Klez, Tana Quartet, Crossbones | Trombone Collective, the Flemi

Sat 31 Oct 2020 -09.30
start 09.30
All prices include booking fees.


In collaboration with Klara, Brugge Plus, Conservatorium Brugge, Cultuurcentrum Brugge & de Stad Brugge
With the support of Pianos Maene

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