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Masterpiece Charpentier

Masterpiece Charpentier

Te Deum

  • written when Charpentier served as maître de musique to the Jesuits in Paris, possibly to celebrate the bloody French victory at Steenkerke in 1692
  • large choir, small choir, soloists and every possible instrument combination express the festive text
  • the Te Deum was one of the characteristic genres of the French Baroque, often composed hastily when the country or royal family had something to celebrate
  • since 1954 (a 'modern' rendering of) the Te Deum has introduced and closed European Broadcasting Union broadcasts, including the Eurovision Song Contest
Five new masterpieces in 2018-2019

Five new masterpieces in 2018-2019

Five new masterpieces in 2018-2019
In season 18-19 the Concertgebouw presents five new Masterpieces: five highpoints of music history that you have to hear live at least once in your lifetime. Plus a comprehensive programme of participatory projects (in collaboration with Musica) and in-depth context activities.
