start | 14.00 |
Voor kinderen van 3 tot 5 jaar |
From 3 till 5 years and their (grand)parents
A huge singing angel, the strange sound of dancing skeletons, a futuristic, super-fast lift that shoots you up so quickly it gives you butterflies in your tummy. And then, towering up on our roof, you get to see the furthest distances, even the sea. You can do all of that and plenty more behind the scenes of the Concertgebouw. A musician lets you see, smell, hear, feel… and taste our home. And he takes you to its hidden and most secret places!
Pieter Elias: musician & guide (in Dutch)
start | 14.00 |
Voor kinderen van 3 tot 5 jaar |
From 3 till 5 years and their (grand)parents