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Logo Concertgebouw Brugge

Miklós Perényi & Dénes Várjon

Brahms & Kurtág

chamber music
Thu 28 Sep 2017 -20.00
introduction by Koen Uvin 19.15
start 20.00
expected end time 21.45
with break
All prices include booking fees.

Part of Abo Kamermuziek 17-18

Brahms, the master of grand constructions, in counterpoint to Hungarian composer Kurtág, the master of simplicity. Brahms’ sonatas give prominence to the song of the cello. Whereas in Kurtág's musical language, the instruments seem to be conversing in sign language, creating tiny islands of sound of unprecedented expressiveness. In the Hungarian hands of Miklós Perényi and Dénes Várjon - a former student of Kurtág – these jewels truly glitter.


Johannes Brahms (1833-1897)
Sonata for cello and piano no. 1 in E minor, opus 38
Sonata for cello and piano no. 2 in F major, opus 99

György Kurtág (1926)
Selection from Signs, Games and Messages
Selection from Játékok

Johannes Brahms (1833-1897)
Sonata for cello and piano no. 1 in E minor, opus 38
Sonata for cello and piano n


Miklós Perényi: cello
Dénes Várjon: piano

Thu 28 Sep 2017 -20.00
introduction by Koen Uvin 19.15
start 20.00
expected end time 21.45
with break
All prices include booking fees.

Part of Abo Kamermuziek 17-18