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Logo Concertgebouw Brugge
Logo Concertgebouw Brugge

Playground +

Solo performance & workshop for children

family performance
Sound art
Fri 02 Nov 2018 -09.30
start 09.30
expected end time 12.45
Voor kinderen van 8 tot 10 jaar
All prices include booking fees.

For children from 8 till 10 years

Toys never sounded so good!

Creaks from a teddy bear, or squeaks from a Barbie. Sound artist Laurens Van Bouwelen gets the craziest sounds out of everyday toys. And then it is your turn to bring your own toys to life. What if your spinning top bleeped like a UFO, or your toy cash register whooshed like a water slide? Together we investigate the sound of toys. Sometimes, they’re barely audible. But don’t worry. With the help of some electronics, we’ll soon create one huge, exciting sound field.


Laurens Van Bouwelen: performance & workshop (in Dutch)

Fri 02 Nov 2018 -09.30
start 09.30
expected end time 12.45
Voor kinderen van 8 tot 10 jaar
All prices include booking fees.

For children from 8 till 10 years