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Literature on Sunday

Sun 17 Mar 2024 -11.00
start 11.00
expected end time 12.45

Standard €10.00

Réduction -35 a. €6.85

Reduction -26 a. €5.50

All prices include booking fees.

A finger on the literary pulse

How do you start a book? Why is it so hard to write a novel? What pitfalls should an author look out for? You can find the answer to these and other questions during Read more! On three Sunday mornings, leading authors from Flanders and the Netherlands will talk to us about their recent work. Journalist Ann De Bie keeps the conversation running smoothly.


Ann De Bie interviews
- Gijs Wilbrink about ‘De beesten’
- Richard Osinga about ’Munt’
- Maud Vanhauwaert about ‘Tosca’

Ann De Bie interviews
- Gijs Wilbrink about ‘De beesten’
- Richard Osinga about ’Munt’
- Maud Vanhauwaert abou


Ann De Bie: presentation

organised by Openbare Bibliotheek Brugge & Concertgebouw Brugge, in collaboration with Boekhandel De Reyghere (Brugge)

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Ann De Bie: presentation

organised by Openbare Bibliotheek Brugge & Concertgebouw Brugge, in collaboration wi

Sun 17 Mar 2024 -11.00
start 11.00
expected end time 12.45

Standard €10.00

Réduction -35 a. €6.85

Reduction -26 a. €5.50

All prices include booking fees.