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Logo Concertgebouw Brugge

Spectra Ensemble

Interactive family trail

chamber music
family performance
Sun 04 Nov 2018 -15.00
start 15.00
expected end time 16.50
Voor kinderen vanaf 6 jaar
with break

All prices include booking fees.

From 6 years

Part of Abo Family 18-19

Expedition through the Concertgebouw to the hypnotic music of Philip Glass

Philip Glass's unceasing musical waves seem like complicated cogwheels. Musicians toiling their way through the concert turn out to be precise machines. Children and their (grand)parents will fully enjoy this shimmering music, that the one moment sounds small and intimate and the next rousing and all-embracing. Experience the music from the inside during this interactive and adventurous trail that ends with sparkling musical fireworks!


Philip Glass (1937)
Song nr. 1
Tissue nr. 2
Music in fifths
Etude nr.6
600 lines


Spectra Ensemble: ensemble
Bram Bossier: viola
Jan Sciffer: cello
Gabi Sultana & Mirek Coutigny: keyboard & piano
Frank Van Eycken and Bjorn Denys: percussion
Filip Rathé: musical direction

Siri Clinckspoor & Sterre De Raedt: workshop

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Spectra Ensemble: ensemble
Bram Bossier: viola
Jan Sciffer: cello
Gabi Sultana & Mirek Coutigny: keyboard & pi

Sun 04 Nov 2018 -15.00
start 15.00
expected end time 16.50
Voor kinderen vanaf 6 jaar
with break

All prices include booking fees.

From 6 years

Part of Abo Family 18-19