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Logo Concertgebouw Brugge

Thomas Dunford

Bach on the lute

chamber music
Fri 20 Jan 2017 -22.00
start 22.00
expected end time 23.10
All prices include booking fees.

Part of Weekendpas Bach Academie

Under 26? Enjoy 50% discount!

The young French-American Thomas Dunford brings the first evening of this Academy at the Concertgebouw to a close with what is perhaps the most intimate of baroque instruments: the lute. Bach himself only wrote a few works for it, but that does not prevent Dunford from adapting Bach and combining an original by the master with his own arrangements. In this recital you will hear two suites and an arrangement of the Ciaccona from the Second Violin Partita, which although monumental is almost unplayable on the violin.


Johann Sebastian Bach (1685-1750)
Lute Suite in G minor, BWV995
Cello Suite in G (arr.), BWV1007
Ciaccona from Partita for Violin in D minor (arr.), BWV1004

Johann Sebastian Bach (1685-1750)
Lute Suite in G minor, BWV995
Cello Suite in G (arr.), BWV1007
Ciaccona from


Thomas Dunford: lute

Fri 20 Jan 2017 -22.00
start 22.00
expected end time 23.10
All prices include booking fees.

Part of Weekendpas Bach Academie

Under 26? Enjoy 50% discount!