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Logo Concertgebouw Brugge
Logo Concertgebouw Brugge


Listening course

this event is part of


Mon 30 Jan 2023 -10.00
Hof van Watervliet
start 10.00
expected end time 16.45
All prices include booking fees.

The Eight Mediaeval Modes

Today we only recognise two types of key in classical music: 'major' and 'minor', but in the Middle Ages they used as many as eight different modes, each with its own character. With Hendrik Vanden Abeele, you will discover the fascinating mood changes in music – and start singing yourself!


Hendrik Vanden Abeele: lecturer

Mon 30 Jan 2023 -10.00
Hof van Watervliet
start 10.00
expected end time 16.45
All prices include booking fees.