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Logo Concertgebouw Brugge
Logo Concertgebouw Brugge


Muziektheater Transparant

Tue 12 May 2009 -20.00
start 20.00
All prices include booking fees.


composition and musical direction: Wim Henderickx
visual concept: Hans Op de Beeck
direction: Wouter Van Looy
choreography: Vivian Cruz
video animations: Gert Op de Beeck
costumes: Machteld Van de Perre
lighting design: Sascha van Riel
dramaturgy: Jellichje Reijnders
live electronica: Jorrit Tamminga
voice artist: Phil Minton
soprano: Elise Caluwaerts
mezzosoprano: Lien Haegeman
baritone: Hans Gröning, Olivier Berten
music: Oxalys Ensemble: Shirly Laub (violin), Martijn Vink (cello), Toon Fret (flute), Nathalie Lefèvre (clarinet), Ben Haemouts (trombone)
production: Muziektheater Transparant
coproduction of deSingel, Stavanger 2008 - Cultural Capital of Europe 2008

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composition and musical direction: Wim Henderickx
visual concept: Hans Op de Beeck
direction: Wouter Van Loo

Tue 12 May 2009 -20.00
start 20.00
All prices include booking fees.